Thursday, April 4, 2013

Garlic Roasted Chicken Leg Quarters

Garlic Roasted Chicken Leg Quarters

This recipe was a little different for us in our house. We almost always cook with chicken breast because the white meat is lower in points than the dark meat is (although my personal preference is dark me some fried chicken legs!) However, when I was shopping at Aldi one week, I saw this huge package of chicken leg quarters that were marked down to like $2 or $3 because they were almost to their "sell by" date, so I just couldn't pass it up. I'm always looking for ways to save money, and I am so not above buying marked down meat. (Just make sure to stick it in the freezer when you get home unless you are cooking it that night!) So once I had the meat, I went searching for a recipe and found this one. It was soooooo delicious! We had my in-laws over for supper and they loved it too! Yes, this is definitely one of those higher point meals, but as long as you plan your day so that you know what you'll be eating, you should be good to go!

4 cloves diced garlic
1 tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. cumin
Dash of pepper
2 T extra virgin olive oil
4 chicken leg quarters
½ c. chicken broth 

1.   Heat oven to 425
2.   Combine garlic, oregano, salt, chili powder, cumin and black pepper. Add olive oil and mix well. Mash it up with a fork
3.   Rinse chicken leg quarters and pat dry. Snip off any excess skin. Arrange chicken in a shallow baking pan. (I used a jelly roll pan). Pat the garlic mixture over the leg quarters.
4. Pour chicken broth in the pan to keep chicken moist while baking.   
5. Bake 40-50 minutes or until juices run clear.  

Yields 4 pieces – WWP+ 9 per leg quarter 

Shown here with a 1 point salad: lettuce, mushrooms, cucumbers and 2 T. fat free Caesar Italian dressing.

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